Monday, April 29, 2013


Mine and Felix's first encounter!

Hello everyone!  My name is Colby Crowder, and this is my blog about canine life.  I am a student at Henderson State University where I study Vocal Music Education.  I eventually want to teach applied voice lesson on a college level, because my passion is engaging students into musical repertoire and experience their growth.  I am originally from a small town in Arkansas called Sheridan.  I stayed with my mother, Neda, while I lived there and we always had a pet dog.  I also have a sister named Rami that lives in Hot Springs with her husband, Glenn, and my nephew, Canen.  They also have dogs and always have.  Dogs have always been important in my family.  (They are man's best friend, aren't they?)  My best friend is my dog, Felix!  He is a black and white terrior/corgy mix.  He is my first inside dog that is my complete responsibility. Along with responsiblity, he came with many stories to tell and things to try.  That is what this blog is about.  This blog will entail of stories of my adventures with Felix and things we have tried and tips about having a dog!


If you'd like more information about myself take a look at my Facebook.